lijit search

Friday, June 4, 2010

air pollution

As the time goes on and there is a development of different machines and machinaries and there occurs pollution. Pollution usually refers to the unwanted, undesirable substances present in the environment.

In this modern society air pollution is a major problem. In urban areas pollutants contiminate air include various gases and tiny particles that can harm human health and damage the environment. Pollution occurs in different levels:personal, national, and global.

The major types of pollutions are gaseous pollutants, greenhouse effect, acid rain, damage to ozone layer, particulate matter, climatic effects.

How does air pollution affect human health?
There is a direct link of human lungs functions and heart attacks with the increase in pollution. Increase in air pollution decreases lung function and increases heart attacks. High level of air pollution directly affect people with asthama and other types of lung or heart disease. In the last 20 years overall air quality has improved but urban areas are still a concern.


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